
Humanity at work

darivanje krvi.jpgThe Croatian Red Cross together with Tim Kabel organized a humanitarian blood donation drive.

Sunday, 27.09.2009.

LS Cable supplies the world’s thinnest cable to LGE

ls_logo_.jpgLS Cable announced that it is now supplying the world’s thinnest cable, the MCX to LG Electronics

Friday, 07.08.2009.

VIDI Grand Prix & Best Buy

vidi_.jpgRating VIDI Grand Prix and VIDI Best Buy is reserved only for the best. 

Sunday, 05.07.2009.

Davor Prah - Exhibition

izlozba.jpgThe first solo exhibition of Davor Prah was held in Zagreb’s gallery Stancic, under the sponsorship of Tim Kabel.

Friday, 26.06.2009.

Tim Kabel received the certificates ISO 9001 and ISO 14001

ISOTim Kabel d.o.o., the leading Croatian wholesaler of cables and wires, received the ISO 9001:2008 certificate and ISO 14001:2004 certificate, for Quality Management System and for Environmental Management Systems (EMS).

Tuesday, 09.06.2009.

Female alpine climbers conquered Mount Everest

mt_everest.jpgSisters Darija and Iris Bostjancic conquered Mount Everest.

Thursday, 21.05.2009.

Presentation at 18th „ Days of Josip Loncar” symposium

eis_1.jpgFrom the 4th - 6th of May, Tim Kabel was present at the 18th international Electrical Engineering Symposium.

Wednesday, 20.05.2009.
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